Hello everybody I trust you are well and eager to find out what I have been up to during the past few weeks. As I recall from my last update, I mentioned that I was going to focus my attention on promoting the Book, EBook and DVD set we now have available and if an opportunity presents itself I will talk to TV companies about showing our film on national television. Well I managed to do what I set out to do with pretty good results. Before proceeding any further I must mention that to get the show on the road, so to speak, I had to set myself up as a publisher and I have to tell you self-publishing is not for the faint hearted. Trust me when I say, on occasion, its soul destroying hard work, fortunately it’s like water of a ducks back to me. With a little help from Keith our website wizard and David the Boss of Viewpoint productions the producer of the film and DVD’s, it wasn’t long before with had in place a sales and distribution set up through our website. Having the means to respond to a sales enquiry, I then set about getting the book reviewed. Fortunately and without exception those who have read the book have been very complementary so with hand on heart I was able to say to people if you start reading the book you probably won’t want to put it down. I distributed complementary copies to reporters of the local papers and magazines TV and radio stations and anybody who I thought could help in one way or another then pester the life out of them with follow up phone calls.
The net result of my effort was very good,reviews in all the papers and magazines that I contacted, I managed to get a 6 minute slot on air with ITV Meridian South 6 o’clock news Friday July 15th followed two weeks later with an hour live interview with Julian Clegg’s early morning show on BBC Radio Solent. Not bad for my first effort and there is more happening that I will tell you about next time.
As to what we will do next, all I can say at this stage is that I am involved with a lot of discussion relating to a number of exciting Ultimate Challenge events and hopefully it won’t be long before I will be able to make an announcement.

I would like to mention to everybody that “Heaven can wait I’m busy” is our charity and is run and managed by myself as Chairman and trustee together with Charles Scott and Glyn Maher trustees. We organize and oversee all the projects and where possible we raise money through donation or sponsorship. As a result of the Ultimate Challenge our journey around the world and eventually from the sale of books and DVD’s we are able to make donations to local charities, I am pleased to announce the latest round of donations of £1,000 each are as follows.
Wessex Cancer support, they look after people who are on their own and suffering from cancer.
Marcus Rutherford foundation, they make lots of small donation to people where a £100 or so will make all the difference to their lives.
The Flatterby fund, a charity very supportive of people in need in one way or another.
You can find out more about the charities we support by checking out their websites.
That’s about it for the time being, take care and speak to you soon. Les